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Supporting a SMB 8(a) integrator with PartnerHire

 How BizFirst Augmented Our Client's HR Team with Continuous Talent Acquisition Support

Note: In alignment with the sensitivity of government-related work, client names and identifying details are omitted to maintain confidentiality.


In the fast-paced world of government technology projects, finding the right talent is crucial. Our client, a leading provider of tech solutions for departments like Energy, Health and Human Services, and Treasury, faced a significant challenge: recruiting skilled professionals for their high-stakes projects.


The Challenge:

Our client encountered difficulties with an offshore recruiting team, initially chosen to reduce costs, but faced issues in practice. The offshore recruiters lacked insight into the intricacies of government recruiting, including understanding of security clearance levels and related requirements.


Our Introduction and Custom Solution:

That’s where BizFirst stepped in. Initially, our client was looking for help with filling positions on a contingent basis. But as we talked, it became clear they needed a partner, not just a provider. They wanted predictable costs and a team that could handle everything from filling immediate openings to scouting talent for future proposals. We introduced them to PartnerHire: our subscription-based recruiting service that includes a account manager and dedicated recruiter, who worked hand-in-hand with the CEO, HR team and company recruiters.


The Implementation:

We kicked things off with weekly planning sessions between our Account Manager and the client’s HR Director to prioritize needs. Our team then crafted targeted recruiting strategies to meet those needs, ensuring we were always in sync with our client’s goals. Through a dedicated portal, our client could track candidate progress, offer feedback, and keep an eye on important metrics like the number of candidates submitted and job fill rates.


The Impact:

Every month, we supported about 15 job openings, submitting 8-10 qualified candidates every week for jobs in IT, project management, and more, each requiring different security clearances. Our average time-to-submit, from job opening to first candidate, was 1.5 days. We were doing more than just filling spots; we were building a recruitment system that could grow with our client, all with clear and steady costs.



This collaboration turned a recruitment headache into a strategic advantage. Our PartnerHire service not only filled the talent gap but also forged a partnership based on trust, reliability, and shared growth. This experience shows how tailor-made solutions and really working closely with clients can lead to success, especially in government tech projects.


Take the Next Step:

Struggling with recruitment for your ongoing projects? Let’s talk about how BizFirst’s PartnerHire service can revolutionize your hiring process. With us, you gain not just a service provider, but a recruitment partner committed to your success.